Somewhere between the world we know today and the mystical worlds of magic, lies the Third Kingdom. The peoples and creatures of the Third Kingdom populate each novel in their own unique way. These posts reveal additional details concerning elements of these novels as well as elements of stories yet to be told. While there are several stand-alone novels, certain elements transcend the stories and tie the world together.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Sunday, September 11, 2022
The Third Kingdom
More than a millennial ago two great empires existed in the east, beyond the eastern mountains. For
centuries the two kingdoms lived in harmony. Separated by the mighty Lioness River, both regions thrived and grew into great kingdoms. As is the custom of man, the kingdoms began to grow jealous of one another. The Northern kingdom envied the great gold mines of the Southern kingdom. The people of the Southern kingdom desired to possess the rich and fertile farmland of the north. Envy grew into spite and spite into hatred. Eventually, both determined they could not tolerate the other and during the reign of King Gruber of the North and King Sebastien of the South, war broke out.
The armies of the two kingdoms marched out to do battle. The river Lioness ran red with the blood of the fallen. The desires of the kings could not be satisfied with blood, but with only the total annihilation of their neighbor. Months of cruel fighting turned to years, years to decades and decades to centuries. The two once mightily kingdoms were left in ruins, barely a shadow of once they once were.
Those the war did not destroy were left to face even greater horrors. Famine, disease and pestilence left too many dead to even bury. The great farmlands had been burned, poisoned and left to wither and die. The gold mines sealed and lost to memory. Nothing remained to rebuild, nothing left to salvage. Even then the fighting continued. The great kingdoms were gone, but the villages and remnants continued to fight, loot and burn what little remained. It seemed all hope was lost.
Out of the ruins emerged twelve adventures who shared a vision, who found the last sliver of hope. Twelve men packed up everything they owned, took their families and forged a trail through the mountains and emerged in a new land."Beggar's Canyon - Myca's Story"
In "Beggar's Canyon - The Story of Myca" we get to see Myca as a trouble teenager, struggling to achieve her goals in a world dominated by men. Can she become a Knight, something no woman has ever done, something no woman has ever even been considered capable of becoming? Many obstacles stand in Myca's path, including members of her own family, as well as those who do not believe in breaking with tradition.
Desperate for adventure, Myca sets out to distinguish herself. To prove herself worthy, she must accomplish something no one else has done, or something so dangerous or insane that no one else will attempt.
Myca hears of a ghostly haunting in Beggar's Canyon that is disrupting the trading and lives of all in the area. Because of the Canyon's reputation, and the fact it is a haunting, no one is willing to help these people. Myca sees this as her opportunity and sets out for Beggar's Canyon.
The first draft is complete as is the first round of editing. I have given the manuscript to a beta reader and I am working on the second round of edits. - More to come...
The Nawkers
Now Available The Nawkers An Item of Great Worth You probably know nothing of the Nawkers, which is not at all surprising. Timid, reclusi...
The epic Conqueror quest comes to an exciting conclusion in Book Four - "The Final Demand". Phillip and Jared must do battle with ...
Time is short, the dangers real and the enemy closer than ever before. Phillip must summon up his strength and courage if he is to have any ...
Phillip spent his youth working the family farm, yearning for adventure and dreaming of traveling the vast kingdom. When the king invites Ph...
More than a millennial ago two great empires existed in the east, beyond the eastern mountains. For centuries the two kingdoms lived in ha...
The Quest Continues.... Join Phillip as he continues the quest to fulfill the demands and earn the right to be the next king. The second de...
Lady Myca was first seen in Book One of the Conqueror Series - The King's Final Decree. Considered one of the bravest and most noble kn...
"Beggar's Canyon - Myca's Story" will be released on March 1st, 2023. It will be available in both paperback and eBook f...
"Beggar's Canyon - Myca's Story" will be released on March 1st, 2023. Below is the cover for this new fantasy adventure ...