In "Beggar's Canyon - The Story of Myca" we get to see Myca as a trouble teenager, struggling to achieve her goals in a world dominated by men. Can she become a Knight, something no woman has ever done, something no woman has ever even been considered capable of becoming? Many obstacles stand in Myca's path, including members of her own family, as well as those who do not believe in breaking with tradition.
Desperate for adventure, Myca sets out to distinguish herself. To prove herself worthy, she must accomplish something no one else has done, or something so dangerous or insane that no one else will attempt.
Myca hears of a ghostly haunting in Beggar's Canyon that is disrupting the trading and lives of all in the area. Because of the Canyon's reputation, and the fact it is a haunting, no one is willing to help these people. Myca sees this as her opportunity and sets out for Beggar's Canyon.
The first draft is complete as is the first round of editing. I have given the manuscript to a beta reader and I am working on the second round of edits. - More to come...