
Saturday, June 24, 2023

Dragoness,,, many say myth, some know better,,,

 Several centuries ago, a legend developed, and while many believe them to be a total myth, the stories persist
to this day. 

Certain species of dragons can develop more intense spirits, generally only after living a very long life. It is said that when these spirit dragons die, they are often reincarnated into a human form. The form is always that of a woman, but she will never be fully human and will never be comfortable among people.

These Dragoness are fierce warriors, have highly acute senses, and like to live in the deepest forests as far from people as possible. They are rarely seen, but a few witnesses have reported the Dragoness' at times can be very violent. The dragoness will often have a special relationship with dragons and can approach them and even live among them. 

Dragoness' may carry a dagger or knife, but will generally be very scantily clad, and some prefer to remain nude, staying as close to their dragon form as possible and avoid clothing, seeing it as becoming too human. Because they avoid humans and can at times be aggressive, many believe the Dragoness' to be possessed by evil spirits left over from their lives as dragons. This concern is made more credible as a Dragoness is not susceptible to any known spell or potion. Because of this, the Dragoness is seen as a natural enemy of wizards and witches.

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