
Monday, June 26, 2023

Founders of the 3rd Kingdom

 More than a millennial ago, two great empires existed beyond the eastern mountains. For centuries the two kingdoms lived in harmony. Separated by the Lioness River, both regions thrived and grew into great kingdoms. As is the custom of man, the kingdoms began to grow jealous of one another. The North envied the great gold mines of the South. The people of the South desired to possess the rich and fertile farmland of the north. Envy grew into spite and spite into hatred. Eventually, they could not tolerate the other, and during the reign of King Gruber of the North and King Sebastien of the South, war broke out.

The armies of the two kingdoms marched out to battle. The river Lioness ran red with the blood of the fallen. The desires of the kings could not be satisfied with blood, but only with the total annihilation of their foe. Months of fighting turned to years, years to decades, and decades to centuries. The two once mighty kingdoms were left in ruins, barely a shadow of what they once were.

Those the war did not destroy were to face even more horrors. Famine, disease, and pestilence left too many dead to bury. The great farmlands had been burned, poisoned, and left to wither and die. The gold mines sealed and lost to memory. Nothing remained to rebuild, nothing left to salvage. Even then, the fighting continued. The great kingdoms were gone, but the villages and remnants continued to fight, loot, and burn what little remained. 

Out of the ruins emerged twelve adventures, who found a last sliver of hope. Twelve men packed up what little they owned, took their families and forged a trail through the mountains, and emerged in a new land.

Eventually, these brave souls formed a new kingdom unlike anything that had come before. This 3rd kingdom would be nothing like the previous kingdoms. The kingdom would grow larger and more powerful than anything the world had known. Much of this has been forgotten, but remnants remain, stories of the people, the events, the adventures that make the 3rd kingdom so special, so unique. From the ashes of envy, hatred, and war, came the 3rd kingdom.

The Nawkers

 Now Available The Nawkers An Item of Great Worth   You probably know nothing of the Nawkers, which is not at all surprising. Timid, reclusi...