
Sunday, June 25, 2023

Tree Nymphs

Tree Nymphs are one of the rarest magical creatures of The 3rd Kingdom. Very little is known about these delicate creatures. While they live among us, mostly high in the trees, they will only be visible to humans when the Nymphs allow it, which is extremely rare. For this reason, no one is certain just how many of them there are or how they live.

While a tree nymph is human sized, their weight is that of a feather. Because of this, they build their villages, which can be quite large, high in the trees on the tiniest of branches. Nymphs are very sensitive to their surroundings and their health can be adversely affected if evil is nearby.

Most Tree Nymph colonies have one village leader, or chief, who is appointed for life. Tree Nymphs have an exceptionally long lifespan, with it being told of some living as much as 300 years or more. They are very passive and will not take sides in any type of armed conflict. They are also very in tune with all other life forms, and it is all but impossible to hide from a Nymph.

Beautiful, fragile, kind, and reclusive, Tree Nymphs are said to embody all that is good about this world.

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