
Monday, February 26, 2024



Trolls are some of the most mis-understand and mysterious creatures in the kingdom. There are two very distinct species of Trolls. The best known is the common ground Troll, or just a Common Troll. These Trolls can be found in almost any area of the Kingdom but are far more numerous in mountainous regions or dense forests. These Trolls are quite small, with an adult standing no more than eight inches in height. While small, these Trolls can be very aggressive, which has led to the demise of many Common Trolls.

The Common Trolls can be very demanding and will defend their area with great vigor. They crave money and are not shy or in any way seclusive creatures, seeking out people to exploit. They generally live in small burrows and will move often depending on weather and the number of people in an area.

Common Trolls primary diet consists of small rodents, insects, and vegetables. They fashion their clothes from scraps of fabric and leather collected in their territory. With their small size they have no forged weapons or tools but will often carry a sharpened spear which they will use both for hunting and self-defense.  The Common Troll is hunted by a number of predators, including bobcats, wolves, bears and others. There is no interaction between the two species of Trolls.

The second species of Trolls is told of in stories and myths. They are often spoken of as dangerous and terrifying creatures. This is primarily due to their size which can be very intimidating. The Mountain Troll can grow to a height of nearly thirty feet. These massive creatures live exclusively in the western areas in the Green Mountains. They will spend their entire lifetime in the dense forest of the mountains. They are not social creatures and come together only when mating. The female will raise the young alone and the young will remain with the mother for the first five to six years.

While these creatures are quite large, they are extremely elusive. They are masters and camouflage and concealment. Some people have attempted to observe Mountain Trolls but found it all but impossible. Though slow, they can easily outmaneuver and evade almost any creature in the forest.  While young Mountain Trolls can be preyed on by mountain lions, bears or wolves, the adult Mountain Troll has no natural enemies. 

A Mountain Troll's diet consists of fruits, vegetables and small game such as rabbits, squirrels and opossums. In some rare cases a Troll will take down a deer or elk, but these animals are generally to fast and attentive for the Trolls to easily hunt.

While they have the strength to forge tools and weapons, Mountain Trolls do not forge or create any tools. They will have a large spear or club which when combined with their massive strength can be very deadly. A Mountain Troll will create a loin cloth from the hides of animals they hunt. Since they hunt smaller animals, they combine numerous pelts, but even then their clothing is quite sparce. 

The Common Troll will speak very well and in certain areas they will learn portions of Elvish and Goblish (The Goblin Language). The Mountain Troll will have no language and communicates through body language and a series of grunts and moans. Many believe this is an indication the Mountain Trolls are less intelligent, but in fact they are far more intelligent than most believe. 

Both Common and Mountain Trolls dislike cold weather and will migrate to lower altitudes during the winter months. In rare cases less scrupulous people have attempted to capture Trolls to use as a side show attraction. Mountain Trolls are normally very passive but will become extremely aggressive and violent when confined. They will fight to the death in an attempt to escape and will refuse any food while in captivity. Common Trolls do not become violent but like their larger cousins they will refuse to eat or drink and will generally die with three to six days. 

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