
Friday, March 8, 2024

The White Wizards

In the history of the world there have been only four White Wizards. These individuals choose to pursue a magical life, but none truly understood what was in store for them when they agreed to take the new potion and recite the spells given them. They believed it would give them power, which they all craved, but none expected the level of power that would be released. It was a time of war, deceit and great danger. In a world filled with destruction and death, these wizards raised the evil to an entirely new level.

Scorius - was the first and is believed to be the most powerful. Believes himself to be the master of the other three.

Marmot - Hates what he has become, so assumes everyone else hates him in return and takes vengeance on them all.

Miltra - Is thought to have been a witch, but after all the centuries she is now indistinguishable from the others. She has lost her true identity and self, and she despises what she has become. 

Alisma - Legend tells how Alisma was a good wizard before his conversion. His life goal was to use magic to heal, to help people and to help end the great war that was ripping the country apart. 

The four White Wizards of the east. Enchanted and perfected as weapons of war many centuries ago. When the war broke out between the Northern and Southern Kingdoms the armies of the two great nations laid waste to the great cities, farmlands and villages. Unsatisfied with the level of destruction their armies could provide, the leaders decided to turn to magic to create the ultimate weapon(s) of destruction. The leaders of the northern kingdom gathered together the greatest wizards of their day. In the secret catacombs of the Royal palace they developed the most powerful and sinister potion ever conceived. They needed only to find the ingredients to produce the potion, perfect the spell of enchantment, and find already powerful wizards as their catalyst for destruction.

It is unclear exactly who made the decision or when, but it was determined for the potion to have maximum effect, it would need to contain some portion of a powerful wizard. It was this decision that led them to the tomb of Flueric, the first wizard. They broke into his tomb and found all that remained of the once great wizard was dust. They collected the dust and used it in the potion. Again, it is unclear if they understood the power Flueric still possessed, even in death, but this power was unleashed. Furious at having his eternal rest disturbed and the dust of his bones used for their petty purposes, Flueric unleashed his anger and bestowed upon the potion something never intended.

The potion and spells consumed the four wizards, altering both their minds and their physical appearances. They became far more powerful than anyone imagined possible. This power was unleashed against all, both northern and southern kingdoms. The White Wizards, as they came to be called because of their brilliant white hair, long ghostly white fingernails and deep blue eyes, had an insatiable appetite for evil, for destruction. Their spells and potions poisoned the waters, farmlands and made the air in many areas toxic. When all was done, the once great and powerful eastern kingdoms could no longer produce anything except suffering and death.

The fate of the White Wizards is disputed and uncertain. Alisma is said to have attempted to escape the evil and fled west, only to be captured by the forces of darkness and consumed.  Mormut, if the legends are true, took refuge in the southern city of Kolroy. The city was then besieged by the very forces of evil Mormut had created and unleased. The evil forces are unable to penetrate the city, which lays in ruins, but Mormut is trapped there, forced to endure the tortures of his own design.

Miltra, after dispensing plagues, pestilence and death to thousands, finally grew weary and took her own life. Her body was consumed by scavengers, never to have a true resting place.

Scorpius, the most powerful of the White Wizards took great joy in the destruction and suffering. When
he realized so few people remained to torment, Scorpius fled to the underworld, hoping to continue to inflict pain and suffering on his previous victims.  While no one can know for certain, legend tells that when he reached the underworld Scorpius found he was just another of the thousands of seemingly endless souls suffering the torments of hell. Scorpius attempted to flee, but there was no escaping and he was doomed to endure the hardships he had placed on others for all eternity.

When the tomb of Flueric was looted they took all of the dust that had once been the great wizard. To be certain the potion was at full strength the preparers used all of the dust in the four portions consumed by the wizards. Since no further dust exists, and the recipe for the potion is long lost, it is believed impossible to duplicate the potion. It is therefore believed impossible for there ever to be additional White Wizards. 

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